Terms and conditions for Monthly - Membership Couple (2 Adults)
I hereby complete this application for American Turners of Louisville (The “Club”) to be considered as a club member and, if accepted as such, agree to abide by all rules and regulations of the park, lounge, and gym as well as rules set forth in the Articles of the Constitution of American Turners of Louisville and amendments id applicable. In the event this application is not accepted, any membership sums paid to the club with this application shall be immediately refunded. I hereby authorize the Club to check any references listed below. I understand membership to American Turners is open to all citizens of the United States or Canada, who have attained 18 years of age. I understand my membership can be revoked anytime.
Membership Process:
All new memberships with Louisville Turners are a minimum of 1 year (12 months). For membership consideration please agree below to complete this application. All applications will be reviewed and accepted or denied from the Board of Directors. Member benefits will begin immediately for a trail run until approval from Board of Directors. If the application is rejected the application will be returned along with payment that is required when application is submitted. There are two payment options that can be selected and all memberships require this signature prior to acceptance. Payment option 1 is a 12-month contract agreement with a debit or credit card auto-draft on the 1st of each month. Option 1 must be set up online at www.louisvilleturners.org This has an early cancellation policy of up to $150 for early termination. The Option 2 is 12 months paid with cash or check, paid in full, turned into the office along with this application.
12 month Minimum Contract:
American Turners of Louisville, Inc. monthly base is $20 per month automatically drafted on the 1st of the month from MasterCard or Visa, debit or credit. This membership is a 12 month contract with a set monthly fee of $20 for adults (18 years and up) for the base monthly price. A second adult can be added on to this membership for $7 per month in addition to $20 base (monthly auto draft $27) as long as both adults shared residence can be verified. A child, or children, can also be added to an adult monthly base for an additional $7 per month (monthly auto draft $27 single adult, or $34 a month with 2 adults). This child must be 17 or under with the primary residence as the same residence as the adult base membership. With this 12 month contract you agree to continue monthly drafts therefore continue membership for 12 consecutive months. Cancellation Fee of $150 will be applied if you cancel this membership contract before 1 year, or 12 monthly payments. A 30 day written notice must be provided to the office before the 1st of the month in order to discontinue membership and or monthly payment. (All memberships auto renew after 1 year) For example, if a written notice is received in the office on or before Oct 31st, the payment will be collected for Nov 1st, but discontinued by Dec 1st. If still in 12 month contract, the $150 Cancellation Fee will be applied between Nov 1st and Dec 1st. Similarly, if written notice is received in the office on Nov 1st, the payment will be collected on Dec 1st, but be discontinued by Jan 1st. If still in 12 month contract, the $150 Cancellation Fee will be applied between Dec 1st and Jan 1st. This base membership is for an adult, 18 years or older, and only that individual may receive the benefits of Turners membership. For a spouse or other adult living in same residence, an additional monthly fee of $7 will be applied monthly, and will be eligible for Turners membership benefits as well. Similarly, a child or children may be added onto an adult monthly base and would then be eligible to receive the benefits of Turners membership. Turners maintain the rights to discontinue any membership at any time due to inappropriate behavior, language, or actions of any member or member’s guest. Turners membership is a privilege that can be removed at any time by majority vote by the current Board of Directors. If in a 12 month contract, the $150 Cancellation Fee may still apply if membership is terminated by the Board of Directors due to inappropriate behavior, language, or actions. Anyone wishing to become a current Turners’ Member must submit a complete application to the office for approval vote at Board of Directors meetings which are normally held on the third Monday of every month. Likewise, anyone wishing to add / remove to their base membership also will need to complete a Membership Application and turn into the office for Board approval. Base Monthly Adult Membership $20 / month for minimum of 12 months. Additional Monthly Adult Membership $7 / month for minimum of 12 months. Credit will be applied as an adult over the age of 55 ($7/ month). All missed monthly payments will be charged a NSF of $20 for each month the credit card on file does not go through.